
Automation Training
with Selenium

Automation Training with Selenium
Introduction: The Selenium course is a 6-week course delivered by our highly skilled instructors. Our instructors are highly experienced seasoned professionals with more than 15 years of experience.

The Selenium course covers Automation Testing using Selenium and provides hands on experience to each student on real life projects. Students will learn how to automate web based applications and implement various frameworks such as Data driven, Hybrid, Page Object model etc.

Selenium is the most widely used test automation tool for testing web based applications, the demand for selenium experts is increasing day by day. Thus selenium testing career has become one of the most desired careers in the world.

What you will learn: The Selenium course will be a 6-week classroom/online course. Our instructors are highly experienced seasoned professionals with more than 15 years of experience.


Learn from industry experts with more than 15 years of experience

Classes held at our training facilities in Aurora, IL or students can attend online

Our trainers are US based and our extended global network enables us to support you 24x7

Gain hands-on experience by working on real client projects during the training

We assist with placements at one of our clients once the training is completed

Our trainers will support you once you are working on a project to ensure your success


****** Next batch starts on November 7th, 2016******

Contact us at or (630)-888-1144 for more details.


Below are some topics that will be covered in the course:


What is automation testing

When it will come in to picture

What is the use of automation testing


Introduction to Selenium

What is Selenium

What is the use of Selenium

When selenium can be used in testing

Features of selenium

What is the difference between Selenium and QTP


Selenium components

Selenium IDE

Selenium RC

Selenium GRID


Selenium IDE

Getting Started with Selenium IDE

Important preliminary points

What is Selenium IDE

Installing Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE icons

Important note

Recording your first test with Selenium IDE

Updating a test to assert items are on the page

Updating a test to verify items on the page


Adding Selenium IDE comments

Multiple windows

Working with multiple windows

Switching between multiple windows

Storing elements from the page

Debugging tests

Test suites

Creating test suites

Saving tests

What you cannot record

Downloading Selenium IDE from Mozilla

Recording the scripts

Running the scripts

How to save the recording script

Object identification

Difference between Test case and test suite

Languages supported while recording

Synchronization in Selenium IDE

Testing Vs Selenium IDE

When to use Selenium IDE

How to run recorded scripts against other browsers

Why companies are not using recording tools


Firebug, Xpath and CSS

Introduction of Firebug

Downloading and Installing of Firebug

Downloading and Installing of Xpath

How to identify the Xpath for an particular element

Identifying objects using CSS


Creating environment for Selenium RC

Creating the generic scripts in Selenium

Creating the scripts by using functions

Running the scripts in eclipse


Browser commands with examples

Interactive commands with examples

Information commands with examples

Validation commands with examples

How to use eclipse

Debugging the scripts

Maintaining the synchronization points

How to handle Popup and alert messages


How to identify web-element’s on an application

Locator Techniques Used

Important preliminary points

Locating elements by ID

Finding ids of elements on the page with Firebug

Finding elements by ID

Moving elements on the page

Finding elements by name

Adding filters to the name

Finding elements by link text

Finding elements by accessing the DOM through javascript

Finding elements by xpath

Using direct xpath in your test

Using xpath to find the nth element of a type

Using element attributes in xpath queries

Doing a partial match on attribute content

Finding an element by the text it contains

Using xpath axis to find elements

CSS selectors

Finding elements by CSS

Using child nodes to find the element

Using sibling nodes to find the element

Using CSS class attributes in CSS selectors

Using element ids in CSS selectors

Finding elements by their attributes

Partial matches on attributes

Finding the nth element with CSS

Finding an element by its inner text


Remote Web driver

Remote executions with web driver


Selenium Grid

Introduction to Selenium Grid

Getting Started with Selenium Grid

Understanding Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid Hub

Launching the hub

Adding instances to the hub

Adding a server with the defaults

Adding selenium remote controls for different machines

Adding selenium server for different machines

Adding selenium server to do specific browser tasks on specific

Operating systems

Setting the environment when starting Selenium

Remote Control

Using Selenium Grid 2 with your YAML file

Using Selenium Grid 1 configuration

Running tests against the grid

Writing tests against the grid

Running tests in parallel

Getting our tests running in parallel

Advantages of Selenium Grid


Advanced Selenium 2.0 –Web Driver

Introduction to Selenium 2.0

Advantages of Web Driver

Web Driver Vs RC

Architecture of Web Driver and RC

Web Driver IDE

Installation/Configuring Eclipse for Web Driver

Identifying the elements in web driver using Id, Name, Xpath, Dom and CSS

Working with different drivers like HTML Unit driver, Firefox Driver etc…

Creating the generic scripts in Web Driver

Creating the scripts by using functions

Web Driver Client libraries

Web Driver commands with examples

Working with Web Driver

Important preliminary points

Working with Firefox Driver

Loading the Firefox Driver

Firefox profile preferences

Setting Firefox preferences

Installing a Firefox add-on

Installing the add-on

Working with Chrome Driver

Starting Google Chrome or Chromium

Chrome Options

Using Chrome Options

Working with Opera Driver

Starting Opera

Opera Profile

Working with Opera Profile

Working with Internet Explorer Driver

Working with Internet Explorer


Design Patterns

Important preliminary points

Page Objects

Setting up the test

Moving Selenium steps into private methods to make tests


Using the Page Object Pattern to design tests

Using Page Factories with Page Objects

Using Page Factory

Loadable Component

Changing our Page Object to use Loadable Component


Advanced Selenium Techniques

Important preliminary points

Cookie handling

Getting a cookie off the page

Getting all cookies

Getting all cookies on the page

Deleting cookies

Adding a new location strategy

Capturing network traffic

Capturing screenshots

Capture Screenshot call

Capturing a screenshot to string

Capturing the entire page

Capturing the entire page as a screenshot

Capture entire page as a screenshot changing background color

Capturing the entire page screenshot to a string